Monday, June 18, 2007

[Exhibition] Dare to Bare, KURB Gallery, July 15 to 27, 2007

Dare to Bare - A photographic exhibition that shows more than skin!
KURB Gallery
310, William Street, PERTH (Northbridge)
July 15 to 27, 2007.

Featuring the creative photography of members of the "Photographers in Perth" (PIP) community, the images in Dare to Bare explore a range of ideas, emotions and questions through the representation of the nude human form. More than just pictures of people without clothing, Dare to Bare is an exhibition of photographs that are profound, emotional, beautiful, funny, wry and oddball.

Idle moment by Luke Marshall

Wings of Light by Natalie Blom

Gallery opening hours:

  • Mon-Thu: 1-6pm
  • Fri: 1-8pm
  • Sat-Sun: 1-6pm

For more information:

[Exhibition] Suburban Splendour by Graham Miller

Suburban Splendour - Graham Miller
470 William Street, NORTHBRIDGE
July 6 to August 4 2007.

Graham Miller's calm, yet disturbing, evocations of suburban life first graced our eyes in Suburban Melancholy at the 2006 FotoFreo International Festival of Photography in Fremantle. Suburban Splendour takes us to the next chapter in Miller's visual narrative of the "lives of quiet desperation" quietly unfolding in the 'burbs. The title itself hearkens to American Splendour, a film which exposed the dross beneath the manicured lawns, garden sheds and shimmering facades of middle-class USA.

This is an exhibition not to be missed.

For more information: